Thursday, August 4, 2011

Roof Peaking

Maybe it's just me, (and I hope it's not!) but I find myself watching people as they leave and looking up on their roof.  Here at the Indianapolis KOA, I've stopped people with their antenna up, their DirecTV dish (a big one, too!) up, but the topper was yesterday.
I'm staring across the lot and trying to figure out what this guy has on his roof.  I'd love to know if it's some gadget that I need to have!  I go outside and move to get a better angle.  He comes outside.  I ask him if he's worked on his roof lately that needed a drill driver.  "No," was the reply,"but I haven't been able to find my drill driver for a couple of days."  Sure enough, that's what was up there.  "About 500 miles" was the reply for how long it's been up there!

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This blog was started as a way to communicate to everyone in long form about Connie and my adventures.  It turned into a way to long form gi...