Monday, February 4, 2013

Our Super Bowl Party.....

We've always said watching sports outside is better than anywhere else.  Yesterday, we took it to another level with our first Super Bowl party in probably 10 years.  It was in New Orleans, so beads and Dixieland were the order of the day.  Even the girls were in the swing of things.

We had plenty of help with our friends Mike, Kris and Justin from "across the pond" bringing their food and their chiminea for heat.  Along with Ed and Loretta back from their cruise, the neighbors and their friends from next door it was a great night.

Baxter was our first guest of the day.  Took most of the afternoon to bring things out and back and forth from across the pond.  Because of the angle of our rig, the sunlight was an issue early and we had to go with the 24" Vizio until sunset when the projection unit took over.

Once the chiminea got really cooking, the sun was down, we had pretty good heat along with the winds being manageable.  Mike's ribs were wonderful, the guacamole was sensational, the beers were cold and flowing.

To make things even better, we won the park's squares for the 3rd quarter!

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