Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Bonus Day 5 (December 17th)

I for some reason have always remembered the first time I heard the phrase using "hospice".  It was the spring of 1984 in the teacher's lounge at Greeneview High School.  Don Green and I were in there with sub teacher Ed Prellar.  Somebody said that somebody was "going to hospice".

Don and I looked at each other.  No idea what the hell Hospice was.  Then, Ed said, it's where people go to die.

Understand, I was 23 years old.  I envisioned elephants going step by step, side by side, to their final resting place.  I couldn't shake that image and, obviously, I still can't.

So, on this day, I started the process of enlisting the services of Hospice.  Not sure what I'm looking for, but it's kind of when I hear it or see it, I'll know it.

We both want her to be able to stay here for as long as she can, but there are obvious limits to spending the rest of your time in an RV.  I have a limit to what I can do for her, especially in terms of her bathroom responsibilities.  It will be a challenge, but I'm up for it.

We also have to get a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form filled out and handy.  EMT's are obligated in the State of Texas to do everything to bring back a patient whose heart has stopped.  Having this DNR will relieve them of that obligation.

I hope it's going to be a long, long process.  She was given two years and told to "get her things in order" in the spring of 2014.  Here we are about to be in the year 2020.

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