Friday, July 29, 2011

Honey.....the NASCAR folks are here!

We're proud alumni of THE Ohio State University and big Jimmy Buffett fans.  Tailgating is nothing new to us.

This is, however, our first time being in a city where the NASCAR guys come to town.  And with them, of course, their fans.  We had some of the workers in early who detailed the cars, but now we're getting the true fans of the race coming in and decorating their rigs.

Flags are flying,

the DirecTV Blimp is flying overhead, 

there's a Jeff Gordon chair in a tree (his cardboard cut out used to be up there, but they burned it one time),

and the party is seeming to begin here at the Indianapolis KOA.

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This blog was started as a way to communicate to everyone in long form about Connie and my adventures.  It turned into a way to long form gi...