Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Rig

No RV was designed for full time use.  We're reminded of that every once and while.  This past weekend was one of those times.

Noticed in OKC before we left that it looked like a tire was slow leaking.  Sure enough, she kept losing air each stop, so that was a concern.  Then you get to thinking that those tires were purchased in Florida in 2009, ridden back to Ohio, ridden out to South Dakota, Colorado, back to Maryland, then back to Ohio.  Ridden down to South Carolina, Florida then out west to Tucson and back to (so far) Indianapolis.  That's not the normal life of a trailer tire.

We also put an over the door shoe organizer on one of our sliding bedroom doors for our shoes.  The weight of that, plus the bouncing as we re entered the mid west, pretty much brought down that whole sliding door assembly, which was only being held with a few drywall screws.  Another upgrade needed.

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